Exercises during pregnancy: Why it is important to remain fit.
Physical exercises during pregnancy is not ony desirable for most of women, but encouraged. Performed regularly (and within the boundaries of your doctor’s recommendations), exercises during pregnancy offers benefits that are not limited to your pregnancy itself. They may persist beyond your delivery as well.
They improve cardiorespiratory conditioning. They help prevent bladder problems (such as incontinence, or involuntary leakage of urine). They may prevent or decrease back pain. They may decrease the risk or severity of depression. Eventually they may help with improves weight management. The intensity with which to do physical activity depends on your starting fitness. Depends on your doctor’s recommendations too. For previously sedentary women without obstetric or other risk factors, most doctors recommend starting with mild activity (eg brisk walking) and progressing to moderate intensity over time. Most women who were physically fit and active before pregnancy may continue their previous routine with some modifications. Even at moderate to high intensity, within certain parameters depending on the activity and any obstetric risk factors they might have.

Nascimento SL. et al. Physical exercise during pregnancy: a systematic review. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol. 2012 Dec;24(6):387-94