Weight gain in pregnancy

A proper weight gain in pregnancy is physiological and must be accompanied by exercise and a diet that ensures a proper nutrition.


Much depends on the starting situation: in general, the skinnier you are before the pregnancy the more weight you have to gain.
For example, an underweight woman (BMI below 18.5) should increase her weight between 12kg and 18 kg, compared to an increase of 11kg to 16 kg for a woman with normal weight (BMI 18.5-24.9).
If mum-to-be is overweight (BMI 25-29.9) she should try to limit the weight increase between 7 and 11 Kg.
Even lower (between 5kg and 9 kg) the increase for obese women (BMI over 30) should be.


Be aware, therefore, of the composition of the diet, but also of the exercise practiced during pregnancy. Physical activity during pregnancy is a fundamental aspect. By pregnancy-month, different exercises can be performed to strengthen the different parts of the body (arms, legs, breath).

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