Psychological problems during pregnancy

Psychological problems during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes significant changes. This often contributes to the development of anxiety. Physiological changes in the central nervous system lead to the fact that tiredness, a weakened physical condition may lead to anxiety.

What circumstances affect the anxious psychological state of the future mother?

  • Unplanned pregnancy. Spontaneous pregnancy causes panic in a woman.
  • Possible complications during pregnancy that may affect the health of the unborn child.
  • Fear of childbirth: anticipation of pain, fear of loosing the control over one’s own body.
  • Genetic fears: a woman is afraid of giving birth to child with the genetic problems.
  • Aesthetic fears: fear of changes that occur to the woman s body.
  • One of the most common fears is fear about the health of the unborn child.
  • Fear of becoming a bad mother.
  • Fear of responsibility for the fate of the child.
  • Fear of the future: a woman fears material difficulties, worsening relations with her husband, the impossibility of her own professional realization.

How to overcome the anxiety

In no case should an expectant mother panic, and the issue should be resolved rationally. You should start with a qualified, complete medical examination. The next step can be special courses that prepare a woman for the childbirth. They will help overcome the fear.

If general doctors have not been able to help overcome the fears associated with pregnancy, then psychotherapists and psychologists will come to the rescue.

Do not forget that an important point during pregnancy is Rh affiliation. It is necessary to know it at the earliest stages of pregnancy in order to prevent a possible Rh-desease.


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