Diet during pregnancy: nutrition is the key to good feeding
Diet during pregnancy: nutrition is the key to good feeding
A balanced diet during pregnancy is important as for the expectant mother, as for the baby. There is a common misconception that during pregnancy you need to “eat for two.” In fact, during the first trimester of pregnancy, additional caloric needs are limited. Therefore, most doctors recommend gradual, moderate weight gain.
Vitamins, cereals and whole grains provide the intake of fiber and B vitamins. Expectant mothers are also advised to consume low-fat milk and low-fat dairy products. This helps to provide the body with calcium. In addition, there should be no lack of animal protein during pregnancy. It may be found, for example, in lean meats, fish and eggs. Vegetable protein should also be present in the diet during pregnancy. It may be found in legumes as well as nuts.
At the same time, it is better to limit the use of salt, fat, sugary drinks and confectionery products. Even with the correct diet, pregnant women are advised to take vitamins: folic acid and omega 3 acids.
If a pregnant woman has certain health problems, such as diabetes and hypertension, or complications are observed during pregnancy, then the expectant mother is advised to consult a nutritionist for a special diet.
Do not forget that an important point during pregnancy is Rh affiliation. It is necessary to know it at the earliest stages of pregnancy in order to prevent a possible Rh-desease.