New Year’s Eve and pregnancy: 7 rules of the dinner menu

New Year’s Eve and pregnancy: 7 rules of the dinner menu

  1. Even on the New Year’s Eve, the expectant mother should not overeat.
  2. Avoid fat and fried foods, instead cook steamed and oven baked dishes. Choose lean fish and meat (beef, chicken and turkey).
  3. Traditional Russian New Year’s salads: Olivier, Herring under a fur coat and Crab salad should be flavored with light sauces, yogurt and olive oil, instead of the mayonnaise.
  4. When preparing holiday meals for a pregnant woman, use a lot of pectin and fiber-rich fruits and vegetables: apples, eggplants, beets, radishes, carrots, pumpkins, apricots, plums, cherries and pears. It is better not to experiment with citrus and exotic fruits, since they can cause food allergies during pregnancy.
  5. Be sure to put a cabbage leaf in your plate. Cabbage contains tartronic acid, which helps to mobilize fat from the fat depot and prevents weight gain after gastronomic excesses. Also, cabbage causes the secretion of gastric juice and has a strong choleretic effect, therefore, it will improve the digestion.
  6. Avoid traditional greasy cakes and pastries, choose fruity desserts. For dessert, the mom-to-be can eat fruit salad, fruit jelly cake, berry mousse, or curd pudding. Be careful with chocolate – it can cause an allergic reaction.
  7. Alcohol is prohibited in pregnancy. However, on New Year’s Eve, you may sip a glass of champagne. Don’t exaggerate: during the dinner, you should give preference to still water

Do not forget that an important point during pregnancy is Rh affiliation. It is necessary to know it at the earliest stages of pregnancy in order to prevent a possible Rh-desease.



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