7 foods to eat during pregnancy
7 foods to eat during pregnancy
Pregnancy is one of the most important and exciting times in every woman’s life. Preparing for the birth of a baby, the female body is rapidly changing. The future mother should be especially attentive to these changes, because during pregnancy a woman is responsible not only of her own health, but also of the health of her child. The expectant mum needs to eat healthy and balanced. What foods are recommended during the pregnancy?
- Water. It is recommended to drink enough water during pregnancy. Water prevents dehydration and reduces the risks of premature contractions and of the fetus damage.
- Whole grains. Oatmeal, buckwheat, barley help the body to get selenium, potassium, sodium, B vitamins, PP and E vitamins. Whole grains contain nutrient fibers. Eating fiber-rich foods (combined with adequate water intake) helps to improve the functioning of the digestive tract and to prevent chronic diseases.
- Beef and pork. Beef and pork contain choline, which is responsible for the development of the baby’s brain. Doctors recommend consuming them regularly also because there are studies proving the relationship between the regular eating of these types of meat (in the required quantities) with the future intelligence of the child. However, it is worth remembering that during pregnancy it is necessary to stop eating raw meat (and raw fish), in particular, to avoid such dishes as tartare and sushi.
- Avocado. Avocado is a source of folic acid, which is essential for the formation of the baby’s nervous system and brain, the normal development and growth of the baby, and for preventing anemia in a women. In addition, the vitamin C, potassium and vitamin B6 contained in avocados are needed for the formation of tissues of the baby.
- Spinach. Spinach is a source of folic acid, calcium, iron, vitamin A, necessary for the future mother and her baby. It can be used in salads and side dishes, appetizers and pates.
- Broccoli. A large amount of vitamin C, calcium and folic acid make this vegetable indispensable for a pregnant woman’s diet.
- Nuts. Nuts are a source of vitamin E, magnesium, selenium, zinc, calcium and potassium. However, it is worth remembering the high calorie content of nuts and eating them with moderation.
Do not forget that an important point during pregnancy is Rh affiliation. It is necessary to know it at the earliest stages of pregnancy in order to prevent a possible Rh-desease.